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MCNY Class Announcements Blog
Sunday, 1 April 2007
Selling Wal-Mart

The New Yorker Magazine

Annals of Spin

Selling Wal-Mart
(Click link above to read article)

Can the company co-opt liberals?

by Jeffrey Goldberg April 2, 2007

Wal-Mart has hired Democratic P.R. experts to help improve its reputation on such issues as low wages, miserly benefits, sex discrimination, and union busting.

Posted by draweiner at 11:39 AM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 1 April 2007 11:41 AM EDT
Wal-Mart Writes off New York

Wal-Mart Chief Writes Off New York
(Click link above to read article)

Published: March 28, 2007

Wal-Mart to New York: fuhgeddaboudit.

Skip to next paragraph

An ad in Wal-Mart’s campaign to open a store in New York City.

Frustrated by a bruising, and so far unsuccessful battle to open its first discount store in the nation’s largest city, Wal-Mart’s chief executive said yesterday, “I don’t care if we are ever here.”

Posted by draweiner at 11:13 AM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 1 April 2007 11:26 AM EDT
Saturday, 31 March 2007
Classic Reference for Writing Papers is Online at Questia
Click on the image above to read the 1959 edition of this classic resource online.

Posted by draweiner at 4:24 PM EDT
World Health Day 2007

World Health Day on 7 April marks the founding of the World Health Organization (WHO).
It is an occasion to raise awareness of key global health issues.
This year's theme is international health security.
The aim of the Day is to urge governments, organizations and businesses to
Invest in health, build a safer future

Click on the image above to go to the UN's World Health Day website.


Posted by draweiner at 3:21 PM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 31 March 2007 3:29 PM EDT
Earth Day - April 22, 2007
To learn more about Earth Day, click on the picture above. 

Posted by draweiner at 3:10 PM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 31 March 2007 3:13 PM EDT
Monday, 12 March 2007
Celebrate Social Work Month - March 2007
March is National Professional Social Work Month.
To find out more go to:

Posted by draweiner at 8:37 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, 12 March 2007 8:38 PM EDT
Thursday, 4 January 2007
Help the New Congress Start Right
As you may have heard, Nancy Pelosi is hoping to start off big with her "100 Hours Agenda." It's a bunch of progressive proposals, including cutting oil subsidies to invest in clean energy, getting cheaper prescription drugs for seniors, and raising the minimum wage.

Naturally, the big drug companies, oil companies, and business lobbies are fighting hard to stop her.

MoveOn has started a petition to Congress so we can show our representatives we're ready for some real progress, and they should act quickly to pass the 100 Hours Agenda.

Plus, the total signature count and some of our comments will be read out loud on the floor of Congress during the debate -- so the more we get, the louder our voice will be. You can join me in signing today at:



Posted by draweiner at 10:58 AM EST
Saturday, 4 November 2006
Hints for Taking Notes from Questia
Note to self: Take better notes!

Did you leave your last class or meeting with a fistful of notes — only to find later that the information you really needed wasn't there? Effective note-taking is a skill which serves you well in many situations, and it's a skill which can easily be learned. Keene State College's "No-nonsense Note Taking" tips include such common sense recommendations as arriving to the lecture on time and sitting where you can hear well. KSC also suggests listening closely to the lecturer's voice and watching for changes in movement or gesture — cues signaling "that a main point is about to be presented."

University of Toronto defines five Rs of note-taking: Record, reduce, recite, reflect and review. In Surviving First Year Uni, authors John Germov and Lauren Williams counsel note-takers to "Be choosy." When you write, they explain, you lose listening concentration. So, rather than trying to capture the lecturer's every word, listen first and then write down key words. And be prepared to adapt your note-taking style to each lecturer's unique speaking style. Whatever your strategy, says Richard Palmer in Brain Train: Studying for Success, whether you do your notes in green and purple ink or use odd shapes and patterns or write them in secret code, "the only criterion is whether it is successful" and that your method works well for you.

Posted by draweiner at 11:14 AM EST
Saturday, 16 September 2006
Refugee Camps in NYC

Central Park, New York City
Friday, September 15 - Sunday, September 17
9:30 am to 6:30 pm daily
Location in Central Park: 72nd Street at Cherry Hill

Prospect Park, Brooklyn
Wednesday, September 20 - Sunday, September 24
9:30 am to 6:30 pm daily


Guided by MSF aid workers, visitors to this outdoor educational exhibit are asked to imagine that they are among the millions of people fleeing violence and persecution in, for example, Afghanistan, Colombia, the Democratic Republic of Congo, or Sudan.

Posted by draweiner at 4:56 PM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 16 September 2006 5:03 PM EDT
Sunday, 26 March 2006
Reliability of Wikipedia?
If you have been using Wikipedia as a source for your school papers, you might want to read the following article from the Village Voice, January 10, 2006: http://villagevoice.com/arts/0602,aviv,71632,12.html

Posted by draweiner at 10:55 AM EST

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