Dr. A. Weiner - Metropolitan College of NY - Fall 2007

Purpose VIII CA: Weekly Topics and Readings

Faculty Information
Using Turnitin
MCNY Blackboard
Student Contact Information Form
Constructive Action Information Page
Photo Album

Please Note: Many of the web site can be reached from the class web site or typed directly into your web browser. This table exists as an interactive web page and can be found on the class web site at http://draweiner.tripod.com.

Class Session Topic
Tasks/Readings/Web Pages
Review Web Resources
Essay on Change
Distribution of Field Work Forms
Distribution of Field Work Reflective Journal Format and Requriements
Discussion of Course Requirements

Essay on Change (Due session #4)
  • Instructions
    • Use six readings to write the essay, and cite each reference used.
    • Review how to use Proquest, Ebsco and Wilson Online Databases available from MCNY Library. (In Library Session)
    • Review APA Style Manual, available on the course web Resources Page (https://draweiner.tripod.com/hs8ca_resources.html)
    • Your essay will be written in a research format.
    • Readings should be current, unless it is a classic and based on organizational or policy changes NOT behavioral changes (counseling)
    • Do not use Websters dictionary to define any terms.
  • To carry out this assignment:
    • Write a five page essay on change, include several definition on change. Describe planned and unplanned change, and the consequences of each, both their negative and positive impact on an organization. Give an example of both from your organization.
    • Describe the role and function of a change Agent. Describe your experience as a change agent.
    • Conclusion: What did you learn about change and what your responsibilities are as a change agent? ( A reflective question.)
Compute Lab Time to Review Web Resources.
Assessing the need/problem

Complete Online Student Contact Form (Due session #2)

Assess the need/problem, and target group(citizen) for your Constructive Action
  • Discuss your assumptions about the problems and needs in reference to your target group. In your discussion include how long has this problem has existed and why it has not been resolved.
  • Discuss who has been affected by this problem.
  • Give the characteristics of your group, such as gender, ethnicity, age, level of education, employed or unemployed, or any disabilities, etc.
  • What did you learn about the affect of the problem on your target group? (A reflective question.)
  • Use tables, charts, or bar graphs to report your groups characteristics and then describe or explain the results in writing.
  • Develop a survey to collect data on the clients and to identify needs/problems.
Class Time to Develop an Outline for Needs Assessments
Agency Analysis

Submit Copy of Potential Survey Instrument.
Sign on to Google Groups and Post Introduction (#3)
Write a half page to introduce your Constructive Action which will be posted on the Google Discussion Board.

Knowledge of the organization and necessary resources needed for the Constructive Action
  • Analyze your organizations technology based on its weaknesses and strengths.
  • To carry out this assignment:
    • Secure a copy of your organizations most recent annual report and organizational chart.
    • Name, location and type of organization
    • State your organizations mission, goals, and services.
    • Analyze your organization through its
    • structural technology (defined as an organizations procedures, methodologies and process)
    • physical technology (devices or machines).
    • In your analysis include the appropriateness of staffing, space, if goals and mission are being met, and attitude towards staff and its cliental.
    • What did you learn about your organization? (Reflective question)
Film on Organizational Change
Choosing the Best Goal
Logic Models

Submit Essay on Change
Submit Reflective Journal

Read chapters #1 & #2:
W.K. Kellogg Foundation Logic Model Development Guide

Review the SPSS White paper available on the course web site: The Hows and Whys of Survey Research

Read on the Web:
The Socioeconomic Resource Statement

Description of the problem and need with input from your supervisor, co-workers, and results from your survey.
  • To carry out the assignment:
    • Develop a Pre-Plan of Action on how you are going to get input on the problem/ need, and to have your Constructive Action and survey approved.
      • Set up a conference with your supervisor for further input on the problems/needs of your target group.
      • Talk to co-workers
    • Develop a 20 question survey concerning the problems/ needs.
      • Use Excel or SPSS to analyze the results of your survey.
      • You are going to use descriptive statistics, charts, graphs and a frequency table to report your findings.
      • You will write up your finding in a research format. An example will be handed out in class.
  • After analyzing the problem/need carry out the following:
    • State if the problem/need is a social structural, status or role change, or an organizational structural change.
      • Social structural change suggests alterations in the patterns of relations that exist among people involved in a given situation.
      • Status change reflects modification in position - collection of rights and duties.
      • Role change is the behavioral dimension or the dynamic aspect of a status.
      • Organizational change addresses modifications in policies, produces, programs, space, etc.
    • Discuss how the resolution of this problem will be beneficial to your organization, citizens, etc.
  • Develop a logic model that relates identified problems and expected short term and long-term goals.
Time in Class to Begin to Develop Logic Model

At this point the problem/need for your Constructive Action
should be finalized between you and your supervisor.
Literature Review
Submit Assessment of Need/Problem of Target Group
Come to class #5 with a list of Keywords that you will use to organize your literature search.
  • Literature Review (Researching the Problem and Need)
    • Your literature review must be based on the problem/need ONLY that you have chosen for your Constructive Action.
  • To carry out this assignment:
    • You must use no less than 10 up to date references , and your literature should come from professional and general interest journals, local reports or studies on the topic, governmental resources, and data from other organizations that have implemented a plan similar to your propose plan.
    • You must use a research format to write up your literature review.
    • Use relevant readings as well as your own assumptions
    • The literature review must use proper APA Style (online manual can be found at http://draweiner.tripod.com)
  • Outline for writing up your literature review:
    • Introduce the problem/need you have chosen to work on for your Constructive Action.
    • Discuss the problems in general and then move to the specific problem/need that you are going to work on.
    • Define the problem/need according to each author.
    • Discuss why, according to each author, this problem exist in organizations and state why does it exist in your organization.
    • What were the recommendations made by each author<>
    • You should organize your literature review according to themes or topics as you develop a logic for implementing your CA.
    • In concluding your literature review you should:
      • Indicate solutions tried by your organization and how their success or failure can be understood in terms of the literature your reviewed.
      • What recommendations are you going to incorporate into your Constructive Action based on this literature.
      • Draw conclusions from your research, meaning what did you learn?
Computer Lab Time to Begin Literature Review: Review Proquest, Ebsco, & Wilson Web
Agreeing on a Plan (Develop the Plan of Action)
Submit Agency Analysis

Review the Web Site: Force Field Analysis - Understanding The Pressures For and Against Change

Developing a Plan of Action

The plan of action must be on one page. Print out on landscape: (download Ms Word Temjplate from Web Site)
  • Target group:
  • Problem Statement:
  • Need Statement:
  • Goal Statement:
Plan of Action


Self & Others



  • Objectives must be in dimensional statements and two strategies for each objective.
    • Objectives should be observable and measurable.
  • Rationale for the Plan of Action
    • Analyze the rationale through the dimensions
    • Goal (Purpose): Rationale for setting up this Plan of Action ( proposed alternative).
      • Values: State fully why this change is important to your organization and your target group.
      • Self and Others: Describe the relationship that this change may bring about between organization and target group.
      • Systems: How will this propose recourse help your organization to deliver their services to this target group, you have pointed out, more effectively?
      • Skills: Identify what your target group will gain from this change that will enhance its skills, and improve its emotionally, educationally, physically, social and economic status.
  • Constraints and Resources
    • Analysis of Constraints and Resources (factors that could help address the problem/need or that may limit your impact on the problem).
    • Give examples such as, financial, manpower resources, community support, legislative concerns, support of key people, existing programs related to the problem, or attitudes among co-workers and/or target groups
Time in Class to Work on Plan of Action and Force-Field Analysis

At this point the action plan for your Constructive Action

should be finalized between you and your supervisor.

Implementation (Carrying out the Plan)
Submit Copy of Potential Survey Instrument.
Submit Preliminary List of materials for Literature Review
Sumbit Copy of Logic Model

Read articles available in Proquest in the MCNY Library:

Zimmerman, J. (2004). Leading organizational change is like climbing a mountain. The Educational Forum, 68(3), 234-242.

Lewis, J., & Caldwell, B.J. (2005). Evidence-Based Leadership,The Educational Forum, 69(2), 182-191.

Review the Website: Flow Charts: Understanding and Communicating How a Process Works

Implementation of the Plan
  • To carry out this assignment:
    • Develop a flow chart for weekly activities. Your weekly activities must reflect your plan of action..
    • Write up each interview, telephone contact and conference with your supervisor related to your CA.
    • Outline for writing up your interviews, telephone contacts and conferences with your supervisor.
      • Name of participants: Date_______
      • Who called the meeting? Who was in charge?
      • Place contact/interview took place
      • Purpose of the Meeting (your objective)
      • Strategy-----
      • Important topics and issues discussed
      • Discuss the outcome of each topic/issue (make a list of negative and positive outcomes)
      • Explain why the session went the way it did. (It is important to demonstrate application of your readings)
      • Assess the session in terms of the purpose for which it was planned.
        • Did others have a different purpose for the meeting?
        • If yes, did it help or hinder your purpose?
      • As a result of this contact/interview what is your next step.
Time in Class to Develop a Flow Chart of Weekly Activities
#8 Analysis of Data
Submit Plan of Action
Bring to Class All Completed Surveys

Review the SPSS White paper available on the course web site:
SPSS - Successful Program Implementation Through Statistics

Review the SPSS White paper available on the course web site:
SPSS - The Future of Program Evaluation in an Era of Government Reinvention

Review Web Site: EXCEL - About statistical analysis tools

Review Web Site: EXCEL - Create a chart

Review the Statsoft Electronic Statistics Textbook Web Site

Computer Lab time to:
Enter Data into SPSS or Excel Spreadsheet
Review Excel, SPSS charts, graphs, and survey findings
Marketing Plan and Outreach

Submit Literature Review
Submit Reflective Journal

Review the Web Tutorial: Seven Steps to a Marketing Plan (Health Canada) http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/ahc-asc/activit/marketsoc/tutorial-guide/index_e.html

  • Review of the Constructive Action and marketing plan
  • Identify marketing plan(s)
    • Designate significant individuals to include in marketing plan
    • Prepare any written materials, letters, posters, advertisments to be distributed
    • Secure permission from supervisor or other agency personnel to market change
    • Develop a manual on the proposed change ( finished product)
Computer Lab time to:
Develop marketing plan statgies and materials (brochures, fliers)_
Develop operational manual to show new program or new policy or procedures
Assessment of Plans

Submit Data Analysis

Read on Web:
Andrew Lewis, Nonprofit Organizational Assessment Tool: Strategic Planning

Review Web Site: Checklist for a Planning Assessment for Nonprofit Organizations
  • Instructions
    • You will assess the results of your change intent, expectations, actual change results, and if you succeeded in reaching your goal.
    • You must show evidence or proof that you were successful.
  • To carry out this assignment you must:
    • Use your evaluation plan
    • Review outcomes from your contacts/ interviews and other activities carried out.
    • Evaluate each objective by using charts and/or graphs. Identify which one(s) were most successful, and indicate which strategies were most successful. This should be based on your outcomes.
    • After assessing your evidence.
      • Discuss if your plan of action was realistic and if you were able to reach your goal. If you were successful, identify what factors were helpful.
      • Review your Logic Model and Force-Field Analysis.
      • Also include what changed in the organization.
      • If you were not able to succeed in carrying out your plan of action, indicate factors that limited your impact on the problem.
      • Did you make changes in your plan of action? Explain
      • Identify next steps for your Constructive Action.
Class time to Work on Assessment of CA Implementation
Integrating the dimension
Submit Assessement of CA

Incorporating Content from Each Dimension into CA
  • How knowledge was used from the Purpose dimensions to achieve the Constructive Action goal.
  • Choose 5 concepts from your readings in each dimension and discuss how you used each concept in carrying out your Constructive Action.
  • When writing this section use heading, such as purpose, values, self and others, etc.
  • List the concepts that you are going to discuss under each dimension.
    • Define the concept by the author and then give an example of how you used the concept in practice.
  • Conclusion:
  • Discuss what you have learned about change, managing change and trying to implement change in an organization.
  • How do you think you may use the knowledge gained in this Purpose in the future?
Class Time to Work on Purpose Dimension Integration
#12 Preparing the Final CA Document
Using PowerPoint
Review of the Constructive Action and items to be included in the Constructive Action Document:
  • Table of Contents - Organization of the Constructive Action Document
  • Reference list (readings used in the Constructive Action) in proper APA format
  • Appendices: copy of survey, marketing brochure, program manual, field evaluation, organizational chart, logs, and any other relevant materials.
  • A Print Copy of the Constructive Action Document and a copy on a computer disk.
Computer Lab Time to Review PowerPoint
Change, Leadership & Social Movements
Submit Preliminary CA Document

Film on Social Change

Computer Lab Time to work on CA Document
Powerpoint Presentations
Submit Bound CA Document with File on Disk
Submit Final Field Evaluation
Submit Completed Reflective Field Journal
Submit Time Sheet

PowerPoint Presentations of CA Projects in Class

Before preparing your powerpoint presentation read:
Tufte, E. (2003). PowerPoint Is Evil, Power Corrupts. PowerPoint Corrupts Absolutely. Wired, 11(03). http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/11.09/ppt2.html

To carry out this assignment, develop a summary of your Constructive Action, pointing out why you decided to work on this particular issue and the final results or outcomes.
Review and Summary

Fall 2007